Discover STEVADJUSTER®: for lifetime mooring adjustment

Simplicity and through-life flexibility, reducing floating platform CAPEX and OPEX.


The STEVADJUSTER® is an innovative, cost-effective and time-saving solution for chain adjustment, pre-tensioning of moorings and easy connection or disconnection of anchor lines. The entire operation takes place subsea and does not require the use of winches or other heavy equipment on the platform being moored. The use of the STEVADJUSTER® offers significant safety benefits, as the tensioning operation is performed away from the floater.

Inside you'll find:

  • Cost- and time-saving characteristics;
  • The benefits of the STEVADJUSTER®
    for chain adjustment, pre-tensioning
    of moorings and easy connection or disconnection of anchor lines;
  • How it works;
  • Technical features;

Download the brochure now

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+ 31 10 266 8900